I seem to have caused a little confusion in my Walk Talk and want to quickly add some clarification. In paragraph 11 I wrote:
- US to host the IVV Olympiad in Feb 2023 in San Antonio TX, prior to the IML event
- We voted to hold a general membership meeting in accord with our Bylaws in San Antonio and have an online meeting for officer elections and other business in June in lieu of an AVA convention
We're still working toward a convention this June in Madison WI. The board voted to have a general membership meeting in San Antonio in February 2023 following the Olympiad, with a separate online meeting toward the summer of 2023 to take care of the other usual business conducted during a convention. Our reasoning is that we want to have only one major event for clubs to attend that year and also keep the workload manageable for the national office, board and committees in 2023.