The Future Events List is attached and I invite all clubs to look it over carefully, as so much has changed in our plans. We moved a number of events to 1 December as a holding place until they can be rescheduled. Let me know when your club has a date in mind for rescheduling those events and I'll move them in the calendar. For many events that couldn't be rescheduled for 2020 I've worked with the clubs to shift to 2021. For example, the Vancouver USA Volkssporters concluded this week that the July 4th walk just wasn't feasible, so we changed the sanction to July 4, 2021.
Keep reviewing your events to ensure it is safe in your area to host them on the dates you've scheduled. July and even August may still be unsupportable depending on state and local guidance. The good news is that most counties in the northwest are in phase 1 & 2, with several moving soon to phase 3, so our group sizes can begin to grow. If you have to cancel or postpone let me know and I'll work with you to make those adjustments.
Several clubs are beginning to plan their first Guided Walks since we went under the COVID-19 restrictions. This weekend the state association presidents/vice-presidents, our Deputy RD and I will confer on what we recommend as the standard procedures you should use until social distancing and virus preventive measures are no longer needed. The May AVA Checkpoint newsletter had a section on recommended procedures for events and that will be our starting point for regional procedures.
Joe Blazek from the Central Washington Sun Striders informed me that the Quincy WA Seasonal Event will be offered through the Online Start Box instead of a physical startbox. I expect more events across the region will migrate this way and I encourage everyone to be open minded about using the OSB. Some clubs are adding OSB as a backup for many physical walkboxes due to the unavailability of many of our hosts at times for a variety of reasons.
Happy Trails,
NW Regional Director
829 NW 44th Ave
Camas WA 98607
"Every day I walk myself into a state of well-being and walk away
from every illness; I have walked myself into my best thoughts." Soren Kierkegaard

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