An Internet-based program through Walker Tracker where walkers log their Volkswalks by kilometers to earn awards for walking 401K in a year.
- Provide AVA walkers an introduction to using technology in Volkssporting.
- A fun 12-month program that allows Volkswalkers to log all walks in one place to accumulate the 401K.
- We invest in our financial future with 401K programs so we can retire comfortably. Why not invest in our health so we can enjoy our retirement with better health and longevity by walking 401K each year?
- AVA will hae a private designated personalized portal (possibly with simple setup and administration. This will be linked to the AVA website. App to eventually follow.
- Once a Volkswalker is approved and registered for the program, he/she will create a user name an password. We have a volunteer who will be designated to approve walkers.
- Each time a Volkswalker completes a Volkswalk, he/she will log the kilometers walked on the AVA Walker Tracker website.
- Each time a Volkswalker completes a Volkswalk, he/she can post a photo and info about the walk for other Volkswalkers to view.
- Only sanctioned Traditional or Year-Round Events will count.
- Only kilometers for sanctioned events will be recorded; no steps or conversions of other activities.
- A unique opportunity to help move Volkssporting forward in technology.
- A bar graph showing each Volkswalker's progress and comparison to other walkers designating when the goal has been completed.
- An online community of Volkssporters to share and learn about other events.
- A platform for Volkssporters to communicate with other Volkssporters and inquire about other events.
- A platform for Volkswalkers and Clubs to advertise upcoming events and multi-event weekends.
- A platform for AVA Clubs to create Teams and view Club progress with bar graphs.
- A platform for Clubs to challenge other Clubs, with bar graphs showing progress.
- A platform to add additional programs/challenges at no extra cost allowing kilometers entered to count for all programs in a timeframe. No duplicate kilometer entry necessary.
- Secure, accessible from anywhere online (or via the app (future)).
- Promotes social interaction and team building.
Cost to AVA --$0--
- $1,000 set-up fee Paid by sponsors
- $28/person per year, minimum of 150 users; or
- $24/person per year, minimum of 300 users.
- Sponsorship money from financial institutions will reused to offset the cost for the program and awards (T-shirts) by allowing them to advertise on AVA's website for a one year (e.g., Morgan Stanley, proud sponsor of "The Invest in Your Health: 401K Program"), in addition to having their name on the back of the T-shirts with company literature.
- Enrollment fee could be assessed each participant or partially/totally funded by financial institutions (e.g., $10 program fee for AVA members, $18 subsidized by sponsors).
- Enrollment fee could be assessed differently for AVA members versus nonmembers.